Saturday, February 4, 2012


Not surprisingly, things have changed quite a bit since the last time I posted. For one, I'm now seeing a gentleman from a nearby city and things are looking rather promising thus far. I admit that I wasn't too sure when he began courting me but it sorted itself out. We're well past the honeymoon phase - we've survived at least one major argument so neither of us are still wearing our rose-coloured glasses. We're also both still with each other, so I guess that's a good sign.

He also got between my coffee and me a week ago. He's still alive, so I must really love him. Or he's that he's too tall for me to really get a chokehold on his neck. One or the other, anyway.

Life's been very hectic. I've shifted divisions at work, quite a major thing. I'm now working downtown which is both good and bad. Long story short, I'm in a maelstrom of change...and I can't find the calm middle anywhere. Story of my life, really.

There are many things that I've sacrificed to make things work. Ballet and bagpipes (I got some smallpipes for Christmas - thank you, sis!) are now on a partial schedule as they demand a level of dedication that I simply cannot afford at this time. So, I'm working my ocarina, which has given me a lot of joy.

As I'm typing this, the kids are playing in the living room, my dear sister is out working and I'm listening to the Zelda-themed ocarina music by the St, Louis Trio. A really pedestrian scene, all things considered. I have a moderate fever as I appear to have caught some kind of bug and my to-do list is stupidly full.

Not a bad life. :)

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