Saturday, August 4, 2007

Cleaning out the gerbil cages

After taking a year's leave of absence, I've resumed my M.Sc. program. The actual semester begins tomorrow so I'm doing my pre-reading to get a jump ahead. Mentally, it's like going up to the attic and rattling the gerbil cages so that they start running on the treadmill again.

Unfortunately, as I'm finding after staring blankly and fruitlessly at a mass of equations, my brain gerbils are not only dead, it looks like they died a long time ago. I blame D&D.

I also dusted off my trusty scientific calculator. I'm at least one firmware update behind.


Looks like I'm going to be posting a little less for the next few weeks, at least until I've trained the replacement gerbils.


1 comment:

Susan said...

I think D&D is less to blame than you think ;) Also, I'm sure the gerbils will be fully revived with care and you will be back on track!