Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Ennui of Saturdays

From the Outside-Looking-In files:

It was a normal Saturday, one in an endless procession of repeats. Kate was sitting on her couch, a mug of steaming coffee by her side. The children are playing quietly downstairs, her sister's away and nothing really disturbed her calm save for the rhythmic tick-tock of the wall clock.

She’s bored. Very bored.

There’s a pile of work to be done. Her room is a mess. There are dirty dishes in the kitchen waiting to be washed. She’s half a week behind on her studies. There’s taxes to be calculated, laundry to be washed, a million billion chores to be done.

Did I mention she’s also procrastinating?

Suddenly, the MacBook on her lap beeped at her. It was time for her 1 minute eyesight rest break.

Ah, bliss...nothing sweeter than mandated idleness!

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