Sunday, June 6, 2010


I've been pushing myself pretty hard lately, where "lately" equates to "last couple of decades". Now that I'm older, I just don't have the same endurance as I did pulling those all-nighters when I was just a young one. Of course, by the same token now that I'm older, it's unseemly for me to be pulling those all-nighters. Something about keeping a stiff upper lip and not frightening the women and children now that I'm firmly ensconced in the command structure at work. I'm not sure if the Powers That Be necessarily figured out that I qualify to be under the "women and children not to be frightened" segment myself.

Regardless, I've now been told by several different sources that I need to take better care of myself, which involves getting enough sleep (ack!), eating well (ack!), regular exercise (urk!) and managing my stress (ack...wait, what?)

Of course, this is easier said than done. The first three I can manage. The last one I don't have a clue what to do about. Perhaps I should finally get that aquarium I got as a birthday gift filled and populated. Or join a nunnery. Something like that anyway.

So, in a few months, I hope not to be as much of a stresspuppy. Or I'll transmorgify into a gelatinous cube. I'm fine either way although I suspect that the requirement for eating well will be much simplified in the transmorgification case.


Bob B. said...

I really think you should learn to meditate! It is a very effective way to deal with stress. Look up Full Catastrophe Living, for example. It has helped me a whole lot.

Katherine said...

Actually, I have alternate methods of stress reduction. They work rather well, when it works.

Mediation is quite inconvenient for me. After a while, objects start to levitate of their own accord. :)

Anonymous said...

Proper eating and exercise should help some with the stress level.

Making time for non-work type hobby would help as well. Reading is a good start. A good hobby is something you want to do and enjoy doing, not something you feel obligated to do. That would just add to your stress.

Maybe find something that you can do with the kids, either together or seperately if their interests still differ. That way you combine stress relief and quality time.

Google lego printer. You could have some fun with that, given previous posts regarding the coding emulator you wanted to set up.