Monday, February 12, 2007

Going public

Well, I've finally stepped off the edge of Real Life onto the World Wide Web. Whee! Is it just me, or is it a bit crowded in here?

I've been journaling for a little while now in a Moleskine journal. It was a bit awkward at times but then I found it truly relaxing to be able to pin emotions down on paper. The good ones I keep. The bad ones, they get cast out from me in inky spidery handwriting. This has three consequences:
1. After nearly a lifetime of typing on keyboards, I have truly learnt how horribly illegible my handwriting is.
2. I can chart my faults and rants over time. Well, that's the theory. I haven't actually dared to look back on my entries for that purpose.
3. It's much much MUCH cheaper than therapy.

I've often felt that blogs are a form of narcissitic exhibitionism. I'm not sure I'm entirely inaccurate in that. So why have I succumbed to the temptation of having one? In short, family and friends. One thing that I've found, having bounced from one end of the world to the other is that time and distance will pull close relationships apart. One or the other will do the trick, and usually it's both. Blogging is also a form of communication, a way of keeping tabs of close ones through distance and time.

So here we are. If you know who I am, I bid you welcome and I hope that this will give some inkling of what we're up to in our lives. If you don't know who I am, welcome too and don't be shy about dropping me a comment or two. Polite ones, please. Thank you.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Spiky wall of logic? Hmm...

Anyways my dear, keep up the good work on your life and your blog. :) And I think there is nothing wrong with pink!

Hang in there!