Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Subconscious processing

I've started dreaming about dance quite consistently now. For most people, this would worry them but in my case, it's par for the course. When I get into something, I tend not to just dream about it but also have it working in my head while I'm doing other things, like a background process for all you systems-savvy folk.

There's been a particular piece of centrework that's been giving me grief for nearly a month now. No matter how I tried it, I just couldn't figure out what the right moves are. I dreamt about it last night and performed it flawlessly. When I work up this morning, I knew exactly what to do. Now, all I need is to practice, practice, practice.

I successfully did a releve in retire last night. I was elated as I have never been able to do that and stay upright. I could only hold it for a few seconds but the point is that I can do long as I can visualize it first and completely forget that I'm doing it once I'm up.

Yes, some dancers are crazier than you can imagine, especially the half-baked students. :)

My legs are starting to ache and the pain level in one of my ankles is approaching the threshold I've set to be unacceptable. It's definitely bearable - I just don't want to injure myself by pushing too hard too fast. My dance conditioning book finally arrived from Amazon too, so now I have some idea of what to do.

I can do most of the practices now, excepting some of the ones that require a barre but that's coming too, and the ones that require a lot of jumping, like the saute. Onward and upward, hopefully. The alternative is onward and downward, which tends to be rather painful.

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