Monday, September 13, 2010

Skool Daze (day 1)

Hectic day. Lots of info crammed into a very very VERY full day. I got my student ID today, gods do I look old.

Also got sorted into our houses teams today: 4 women + 2 men, all from very diverse backgrounds.

More later, have to cram for finals at the end of this week.


Bob B. said...

I'm missing something here. What school is this? Business school, as you mentioned in "Switching Gears" a few weeks back? Bagpipe school (sounds appalling)?

You always find some way to keep your life interesting! I doubt if I could hack the pace.

Anonymous said...


I believe the "Back in the pot" post provides some more details.

So is the school in the eastern part of the country?

Katherine said...

@Bob Yep, this is business school.

@G Thanks for the pointer to "Back in the pot", it indeed provides a lot of the context. No, it's on Vancouver Island on the Canadian west coast.