Sunday, July 29, 2007

New blog?

I have been repeatedly asked by several of my support group members to blog about my experiences with my Condition. I am generally a very private person but I've Survived long enough that my tale is apparently worth telling.

The new blog is going to be completely separate from this one; in fact, this is the only reference here that I will ever make about itt. It's geared towards bringing hope to others with my Condition, to show them that yes, it's survivable and that they're not alone. As with this blog, all entries there will be at most a "PG" rating: it's only not a "G" because of the medical complexities involved.

My Condition has been touched on here every now and then. That is as far as it will go here. If you, dear friends, are interested in knowing what happened in the past two years, please drop me a note so I can gauge if it's worth opening that part of my life up. So far, I do not consider that quorum has been reached and the current state is a No-Go.

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