Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I had a long chat today and it was suggested that perhaps I should journal more extensively from now on. Not publicly here but in the safety of my private journal. Given the circumstances that spawned this discussion, I agree that I have a *lot* to get out, most of which I'm uncomfortable even facing it myself, let alone writing it down here.

So, I'm dropping off the face of the Earth for a while. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone. A week? Two weeks? Months? A year? I honestly don't know this time. So, if I were you and if you're reading this blog, perhaps you'll want to set up your Google Reader to monitor this page. If you haven't used Google Reader, it's well worth taking a look at.

I'm not sure who I'll be when I re-emerge. I hope I'll still have my sense of humour and hope intact. I've been evading a lot of issues lately but it's time to face my personal demons. I've always been afraid to tread on these plains of shadowed memories that I've always known were there. But now they're between me and who I want to be, so I really don't have much of a choice anymore.

As much as this sounds like a farewell, have faith that it isn't. For those of you who know me in real life, consider this: it took me a lifetime to find you. Actually, in my case, it took me *two* lifetimes. :) I'm not letting go quite yet...but best wishes and good thoughts are welcome.


Anonymous said...

*hugs* best wishes and good thoughts always, dearling. :-)

Susan said...

Hang in there Kate. I have faith that you can pull through.

Bob B. said...

Good luck, Kate! You know where to find me if you feel like talking offline.