Thursday, June 16, 2011


I'm back on a diet again, this time in an effort to rein in my weight as well as prepare for my start in aerial silks. Over the last few months, I've been under intense stress at work and haven't been eating well which resulted in me gaining a few more pounds that I cared for.

It's nothing radical, a combination of calorie counting, portion management and exercise. In short, a general awareness of what I'm feeding myself with. It's served me well in the past as I'm not planning on dropping a lot of weight quickly but rather a gentle drop while my body adjusts. My goals this time are far more ambitious though so I'll be consulting my family doctor this time around.

I've been cutting down on the amount of meat I'm consuming and upping my portions of vegetables, fruits and grains. I'm *starving* but it doesn't feel too bad - this is expected as I'm exerting control over how much I eat. Surprisingly, I feel happier despite being hungry most of the time. I'm assuming this is a good thing.

I don't expect to be thin but being able to fit back into my dresses from 2 years back would be a nice goal, eh?

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