Saturday, March 21, 2009


I have never seen myself as a rebel ever before in my life and I still don't. For as long as I remember, I've worked within whichever system I found myself in, embracing it and changing it from the inside toward what I believed to be a better future.

So it was with quite a bit of surprise when I discovered rather abruptly a few weeks ago that I wasn't as mainstream and lily-white as I thought I was. I still don't consider myself a rebel, as I am not demonstrably bucking the system - I am merely going down the roads less travelled.  In this regard, I am not changing the system for a greater good. I am pursuing personal goals outside of the system, into what is still considered uncharted territory by the majority.

This had been going on for a long time, which was why I never noticed it. This shift accumulated bit by bit over the years until it piled up and could not be ignored. My Condition accounted for a lot of it, but definitely wasn't all of it, not by a long shot. So, with my Condition resolved some time back, this other stuff started coming to the forefront.

Some of it dealt with a past I had buried deep inside me for good reason. I'm still excavating those dark areas and bringing them to light. It is...quite unpleasant.

Some of it dealt with matters I never felt free nor right enough to explore. In these areas, I have found joy, wonderment and best of all, peace.

I can't say that I'm happy with my life right now but for the first time, I am truly and I mean truly living the life that really is mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love these cryptic blog entries of yours, Kate. They provide endless material for speculation. What deep, dark mysteries could you possibly be discovering?

How is the physical aspect of your recovery proceeding? Around about Christmas you sounded pretty worried. In the absence of an update I'm assuming things are better. Are they?

Take care, my dear friend.