Friday, March 27, 2009


Everyone has standards, even if they're not consciously aware of them. I can say that with confidence because everyone has "lines" they "won't cross", or matters that they espouse to be "right" or "wrong".

I have standards too. However, I have had to re-examine some of them recently from my newfound perspective and discovered that I had to modify or simply invalidate some of those standards outright in my new social role.

Which means to me that standards, like morality, is an illusion that shifts from moment to moment and person to person. Yet we all cling to them as if it was the Word of God and use them to guide our lives.

Well, some of us anyway. Your standards on what constitutes a standard may be different from mine.

Ow, my head hurts. I should really stop thinking about matters like these at midnight...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(shaking finger in your general direction) you Should be asleep!!! :-