Sunday, November 11, 2007

Black gold

Both my sis and I have been feeling under the weather a lot lately. She works insane hours so that's understandable. Her solution (recommended by a friend) was to take multivitamins, B-complex in particular. I don't know if it works but she swears by it and to be honest, she does seem to have more energy since she started taking those horsepills.

Me, I hate pills. With a passion. I have a very strong gag reflex and am wary of pills of any kind. But I'm running rather ragged these days and it seems like B-complex is partly the answer. So, what do I do?

Simple: Marmite - one of the richest dietary sources of B-complex vitamins out there.

Well, what can I say? I grew up in a former British colony and therefore had a high percentage of English staples in my diet. I grew up with it. I love it. One of the first things I sought after when I arrived in Canada was a distinctive jar of that savoury black gold. Marmite isn't just a food, it's an institution! Like the type my sis and the kids seem to think I belong in as they watch with horror on their faces whilst I devour Marmite on toast.

Next, Marmite in cooking! I wonder if Amazon has Marmite cookbooks? Hmm, what's that, sister dearest? Run for the hills? Pardon?

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