Wednesday, April 23, 2008


My dear sister made the local newspaper recently! She attended a charity event a few weeks ago to help raise funds for a local medical care centre. I don't think she was expecting or even had knowledge of it, but there was a reporter in the crowd and out of all the volunteers and glitterati there, the reporter chose her pic as one of the handful featured in the article! Of course, the fact that's positively stunning in traditional Chinese dress probably had something to do with it as well!

For as long as I can remember, she's always self-identified as an artist first and foremost. Sure enough, she's identified in the article as an artist!

I did ask her if she'll remember me when she's famous (she said "Yes") and if she'll give me money when she's got gobs of it (she answered "No"). *sigh* Fame corrupts so easily! :)

Joking aside, I'm soooooooooooo proud of her! She's worked amazingly hard for years to get her craft business off the ground and perfect her artistry. She does amazing things to leather, transforming a base piece of cowhide into painted, hand-sculpted masks of breathtaking beauty. I'm about as artistic as a lump of coal...and even I "get" some of her masks. It can be quite tough to succeed as an artist of any kind and it's usually a thankless task with long hours and little appreciation to show for it. I think it's positively fantastic that she's finally getting the recognition she deserves.

I can't wait to see what she does next! Congrats, sis!

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