Monday, October 1, 2007

Relativistic schedules

Today is my first real day of unemployment, the date that my former company told me I was officially no longer needed because my facility had been closed. I had always assumed that unemployed people had huge gobs of time. I suspect that is still true for some folks. In my case, I'm finding that I have a heck of a lot to do now that I'm jobless as opposed to when I had a job - it's odd, my schedule this week is filling up quite fast.

I suspect that this is coming about because I'm pretty stressed out about it and have been packing my schedule with things to do in order to remedy that situation. If I'm not careful, I'm going to burn out...while unemployed.

Yes, you can actually overwork even when you're a jobless bum. Sad, isn't it?

Oh wait, what's missing from my schedule these days? Ah, right - I have no stupid meetings nor pre-meeting meetings (yes they do exist - no joke). Maybe *that's* why I'm more productive.

The market doesn't seem too great when looked at closely - there's tons of jobs out there but they're biased towards younger and less experienced developers who require lower salaries. It's quite depressing, really.

Ah well, time to continue the job hunt...

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