Wednesday, October 31, 2007


My job hunt is over and I have found a position that I am happy with. It has been a dark time for me, a period filled with doubts and fears. As some of you may know, this is a first for me in many ways. To all intents and purposes, my life is starting anew.

I wish I could say that I got the position out of sheer ability, charm and intelligence. I wish I could say that I held out for this long because I absolutely wanted the right job for me. I wish I could say all that...but it wouldn't be true. The reality is that I landed this job partly because of my work record, my charm and my ability. But more than anything else, I landed this job because I was fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time giving the right answers to the right questions.

Not exactly the most optimal way to live one's life, having so many critical decisions dependent solely on chance.

I was talking with my sister the other night, bemoaning the fact that in my life, I have either had no trouble finding a job but had no one to cheer me on, or I had trouble finding a job but had many people cheering me on. She noted a little later that part of my difficulties stem from the fact that I'm not just looking for a job, I'm looking for a job that I can believe in.

Oh great, I'm a fanatic. :)

Truth be told, she's right. When I stop believing in my job, in the people I work with, that's when I get real unhappy. Naturally, happiness is not a sustainable state in any place of employment. But...this time I'm in management. Perhaps I can stave off the entropy a little longer.

I have been stunned and overwhelmed by the depth and breadth of support this time around. I can honestly say that I have never ever experienced it in my life. It's a nice feeling and I am deeply touched. Thank you all so much for your kind and encouraging words during this past dark time. And a special thank you for those of you who cared enough to give me a proverbial kick in the tush whenever I fell too deeply into self-pity.

I'm too horribly tired to blog much tonight. More later. :)

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