Tuesday, October 9, 2007

To blog or not to blog

Thank you for your responses on the Sanity Defence post recently. To answer some of your questions:

1. No, this blog was created to let friends and family know what's going on in my life as well as that in my family (where appropriate and safe). If all else fails, the phone calls every now and then work quite well. After all, we're still in touch, aren't we?

2. No, I haven't started the other blog about my Condition. To cut a long story short, while I'm still helping other folks with my Condition out, I'm starting to move away from that community as the treatments take hold. I live a semi-normal life now, mostly free of pain. I intend to move and have a normal life soon.

3. No, I'm not going to blog about that - I know you're saying it in jest (and you know who you are, Mr. B) but kindly grow up.

4. Yes, I still journal. This blog isn't my journal. My journal is private and not accesible online.

5. No, I'm not going to start another blog on an unrelated topic. Too much like work. :)

In the final analysis, I'm going to provisionally plan for blog deletion around the Christmas hols, unless if I find this still contributes value.

Again, thank you all for your interest.

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